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Artist Statement:
I am interested in the conversation between austerity and excess. What can control and restraint teach us? What about indulgence? Extravagance? We navigate this relationship daily in our clothing, our food, our purchases, in the way we manage our emotions and our bodies. More often than not, these turn into moral choices. We allow them to reflect back to us our very identities.
In my work, I explore how this dialogue is manifested in our relationships to color, gender, and the body. Much of my work is a product of a strictly defined course of action. I design and execute tasks that require a kind of mechanization of the body. They are simple, but prone to evidence of imperfection or lack of control. Where does the will or presence of the body, lumbering bear that it is, appear? What does it look like? I am equally intrigued by products of abandon. In my painting practice, I work without a plan or design. Instead, giving instinct and first impulses a place to go.
Ultimately, my work is an attempt at fleshing out this spectrum. This pile. Where can I live in it? And where does it live in me?